code development leadership

Are Gen Z less technical?

Scott Hanselmann had some thoughts on Gen Z and their knowledge of technology – is their knowledge less advanced than the previous generations?


#stitch with @glittering_ghostwriter is this generation less tech advanced than the last?

♬ original sound – Scott Hanselman

It depends what you mean by technology.

I get that understanding files and folders are useful right now for understanding software and that part of our job is to teach that. But are they dying out?

My dad, as a Chartered Electrical Engineer, was a dab hand at valves, capacitors and a bunch of electronic circuitry which has mostly been made obsolete by embedded systems using old CPU designs and lots of C. It’s not just that there’s missing levels of abstraction, that layer doesn’t work like that anymore.

And in the web and big data era, I’m not sure we can say the underlying structure consists of folders and C drives. Web pages, social media, political movements, note-taking apps, presentations and APIs are built on relationships and multiple facets, not hierarchy and The One True Way. I loved delicious and GMail. Despite growing up on DOS, and later Windows and Linux, tags always made more sense to me than folders (heck, I even built a proof-of-concept of a tag-driven file system based on how I used delicious).

And as all the major languages embrace more functional composition over object hierarchy, will the structure of code itself follow? Look at how we’re starting to compose web applications, there are hierarchies of visual components, but the new ECMAScript is modular, and uses URLs instead of hierarchies to organise code. Microservices are loosely coupled and have no concept of hierarchy between them.

Well-architected systems these days have service buses, temporary storage, network queues, and caches. There’s an asynchronous, distributed world that all the code lives in. That’s a very different technology to what I grew up with and started developing in. But it’s very similar to a world where kids communicate primarily by text, 1:1 or in group chats, where people post on social media and don’t know who sees it, where live streams become YouTube videos, where Slack, Discord and others make chat searchable and allow people to catch up in their own time. Where people have to track multiple channels asynchronously to keep up to date with their friends.

The generation of developers who will build the next serverless and distributed applications, the fediverse generation, the XR voyagers, and the web3 generation – whether or not web3 itself becomes the next big thing, may find that those who think in terms of folders and hierarchies are limited in their ability to grok the systems required. Moderation in a hierarchy has failed multiple times. Twitter’s latest problems are not the only example. Amazon famously prefers small autonomous technical teams instead of big central planning. Google tried to get rid of managers, until they realised managers have a role beyond supporting the hierarchy.

Yes, Gen Z have limited knowledge of some of the foundations of the technology we use today, but that’s just because those abstractions aren’t useful anymore. I’m sure some will embrace those abstractions, just as some embrace chiptunes and C64 restorations. But the foundations of yesterday’s technology will seem as archaic as valves or punched cards to whoever the next tech billionaire is.

Are we going to be the dinosaurs, as the next wave takes over? We’re the generation who let go of memory management, semantic line numbers, and significant whitespace. They may well let go of hierarchies, disconnected machines, and object-oriented thinking.

The future is here, it’s distributed, it’s asynchronous, and it’s theirs.

code development programming

Ideas for a second coding project

You’ve done the tutorial, what to build next?

Maybe one of the following:

  • To-do app
  • Shopping cart (up to the point of collecting payments)
  • Bouncing balls

Don’t worry about building something unique. If you’re building something with lots of examples, you’ll have something to refer to when you get stuck.

Find something you know. Something where you can write down 5 requirements now without research because it’s something you use or an itch you have. And then you can work back from those requirements to the features you need to build. That’s the heart of programming. Not writing for the computer, but translating from human to machine, breaking things down and formalising them into simple rules.

And that’s when you realise programming usually doesn’t involve maths. It’s about thinking logically. What are the mechanics of the feature?

It’s not: I want list of tasks. It’s:

  • When I open my tasks, then I can add a new one or mark an existing one as complete.
  • When I type in a text box and hit Enter, then a new task is added to the list.
  • When I click the checkbox next to the task, then the task is removed from the list.

There’s an action and a reaction that the machine understands. There’s choices of actions that the user can make.

Use what you learned in the tutorial to translate those actions into simple functions, and to translate the choices into a user interface, whether web, native, command line or API. Then look at it, and make it easier, faster, more secure, or add more features.

The goal here isn’t to learn a specific language, although it will help you do that, it’s to think about how to take an idea, or a requirement, and translate it into something the computer will understand. I think this is the hardest part of the journey, but it’s the most important. I’d also recommend trying programming challenges such as Advent of Code or Project Euler to get practice of writing and thinking.

Good luck on the next, biggest, step of your programming journey.

.net code development programming

return Task vs return await Task

The asychronous pattern in C# is great for simplifying the boilerplate of dealing with threads. It makes things look simple, but as with all abstractions, there are leaks

In most cases, when an async method calls another and there’s no chain (e.g. public method calling a private method directly) return Task is fine, and avoids the overhead of the await state machine for that method.

BUT never do inside a using, or other scoped construct where the object required by the inner call requires context to successfully complete.

In the following example, the first variation, without the await, returns a database call that escapes from the context of the database connection at the end of the method, so when the call is made, the database connection has been closed. You need the await in the second example to postpone the disposal of the database connection until the GetUserAsync call returns.

In this example it’s fairly obvious, but the same pattern can cause threads to unravel far from where this fray was introduced.

class UserDetailsRepository
    public UserDetailsRepository(IDbConnectionFactory dbConnectionFactory)
        _dbConnectionFactory = dbConnectionFactory;

    public Task<UserDetailsResult> GetUserDetails(string userId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        using (var dbConnection = _dbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection())
            return GetUserAsync(userId, dbConnection, cancellationToken);

    public async Task<UserDetailsResult> GetUserDetailsAsync(string userId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        using (var dbConnection = _dbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection())
            return await GetUserAsync(userId, dbConnection,  cancellationToken);

.net development leadership programming

If you’re not living on the edge, you take up too much room

.net is a battleship, and it’s taken a long time to change everything to core, and figure out what the Framework/Core future is. In the meantime, you may have found your project crushed in the path as new APIs change or old technology gets deprecated.

Ask Java developers about where Oracle is taking their language and you’ll hear a similar story. The future is different. Maybe better, but in some places definitely worse.

Change is inevitable. That’s why our industry has embraced agile, so we’re ready to change on weekly or monthly cycles, not yearly ones. The longer it takes to make the decision to change, the more baggage you have, and the harder that change will be. That’s why Jez Humble recommends “if it hurts, do it more often”. That change may come from the business, from the competition, from the platform, or from the environment. How did you deal with Heartbleed, or Spectre? How many of your customers are still vulnerable, and are reducing herd immunity for the rest? Are other companies carrying your baggage without knowing it? Are you the reason that IE6 VMs are still a thing?

The bleeding edge is painful. .net Core broke things, Angular 2 broke things, Python 3 broke things, Edge broke things. But not keeping up breaks more.

How do you keep your tech contemporary?


Career advice for graduates

I saw this tweet and I’ve been asked this question myself a couple of times so I wanted to highlight this as a reference for others, and collect my thoughts into one place.

Know what you want. E.g. Do you want a startup with scrappy hours but more influence or a big company with more structure but where you have less control?

You don’t have to have a public profile.

If you do have a public profile, make sure it reflects you well.

Doesn’t have to be a blog, but always be thinking about teaching others what you’re currently learning. It really helps you in appraisals, interviews and networking because you’re already reflecting on your skills, and you can more easily help others

Apply even if you don’t meet all the criteria. In most companies “must haves” aren’t. You’ll need to meet some, and be prepared to learn others, but don’t wait until you’re 90% ready.

development programming security


Sandboxing is a great idea. Isolate your processes. Isolate your data. Chinese Walls everywhere to ensure everything is kept separate, independent and secure. Whether that’s containers or SELinux

Litterbox – it’s like a sandbox but when you look closer it’s full of shit

“There’s the inkling of a good idea in there. He’s almost describing a sandbox (without, of course, any of the isolation required) and front-end microservices (without a pipeline, or components). Can we call this pattern litterboxing? It’s a sandbox until you look closer and see it’s full of catnip.”


Blank slate

I’m a fan of the original Sherlock Holmes books, and there are a few things in them that talk about an enlightenment way of thinking that’s useful for a developer when gathering requirements (whether tomes, user stories, backlog ideas,etc), writing code or approaching debugging.

Today I want to talk a bit about A Study in Scarlet, and the early conversations between Holmes and Watson before their first case together, because they capture the essence of his enlightenment thinking very well.

Ignore Irrelevant detail

Watson tells Holmes that the sun rotates around the earth, as he is surprised that an educated man does not know this. In reply, Holmes says,
“That’s very interesting, I will now do my best to forget it”

It’s not an important factor in any of his cases, it doesn’t affect his work, so it’s not a fact he needs to record. He accepts it but has no way to act on that information, so he dismisses it.

It’s something that is often hard to do in requirements gathering and may need to be done retrospectively after you find out whether Andy from finance’s love for Richard Branson is just infatuation, or it means that every call to action across your site will need to be red.

It’s also something to apply more generally, choose what to ignore, don’t learn every new JS framework. Don’t expect to be an expert in everything. Be content with being T-shaped, and become an expert in solving problems and focusing on the right details.

The Book of Life

” it attempted to show how much an observant man might learn by an accurate and systematic examination of all that came in his way.”

The truth is never simple. Whatever you build will be part of an ecosystem comprised of other software, of manual processes, of fallible humans, and the winds of fate.

Gather whatever information you can, in whatever detail you can. Organise it and understand the bigger context.

The Phoenix Project has a great understanding of this in the discussion of the SOX-404 audit, where the IT department are busy worrying about controls on software without understanding the manual processes surrounding the software and how that fits into the compliance picture.


On their journey to their first case together, Watson is keen to speculate about the motives and means that led to the crime, extrapolating from what little information they got from the initial introduction.

Holmes quickly and sternly cut Watson off from that line of thinking. He was clear that he would also base hypotheses on the causes and consequences once he had evidence before him to narrow down the possibilities, removing the impossible.

Speculate make hypotheses on why the system failed, on what will improve sales, on what the performance bottleneck is really going to be. Without data or a way to test them, they are useless for reaching understanding. Sometimes the beauty of a forest can only be appreciated by the birds.

Remove your preconceptions and bias from judgement by understanding what they are. Follow the data instead of your gut.

code cosmosdb data development

Cosmosdb and Heterogeneous data

A selection of different watches. They all tell the time, but some are analogues, some are digital, some are branded, and some are not.
Same, but different

CosmosDb, in common with other NoSQL databases, is schema-free. In other words, it doesn’t validate incoming data by default. This is a feature, not a bug. But it’s a dramatic change in thinking, akin to moving to a dynamically typed language from a statically typed one (and not, as it might first appear, moving from a strongly typed to a weakly typed one).

For those of us coming from a SQL or OO background, it’s tempting to use objects, possibly nested, to represent and validate the data, and hence encourage all the data within a collection to have the same structure (give or take some optional fields). This works, but it doesn’t provide all the benefits of moving away from a structured database. And it inherits from classic ORMs the migration problem when the objects and schema need to change. It can very easily lead to a fragile big-bang deployment.

For those of us used to dynamic languages and are comfortable with Python’s duck typing or the optional-by-default sparse mapping required to use continuously-versioned JSON-based RESTful services, there’s an obvious alternative. Be generous in what you accept.

If I have a smart home, packed with sensors, I could create a subset of core data with time, sensor identifier and a warning flag. So long as the website knows if that identifier is a smoke alarm or a thermostat, it can alert the user appropriately. But on top of that, the smoke alarm can store particle count, battery level, mains power status, a flag for test mode enabled, and the thermostat can have a temperature value, current programme state, boiler status, etc, both tied into the same stream.

Why would I want to do this?


Have historic and current data from a device/user in one place, recorded accurately as how it was delivered (so that you can tweak the algorithm to fix that timedrift bug) rather than having to reformat all your historical data when you know only a small subset will ever be read again.

Data siblings

Take all the similar data together for unified analysis – such as multiple thermostat models with the same base properties but different configurations. This allows you to generate a temperature trend across devices, even as the sensors change, if sensors are all from different manufacturers, and across anything with a temperature sensor.


If you’re making good use of cosmosdb partitions you may want to keep certain data within a partition to optimise queries. For example, a customer, all of their devices, and aggregated summaries of their activity. You can do this by partitioning on the customer id, and collecting the different types of data into one collection.


NoSQL is not 3NF, so throw put those textbooks and start thinking of data as more dynamic and freeform. You can still enforce structure if you want to, but think about if you’re causing yourself pain further down the road.

Check out @craignicol’s Tweet:

development leadership

Unsuccessful Teams

Are you making space?

Game Outcomes

In a previous post, I looked at how to create successful teams, and looked at the Game Outcomes project as a useful formulation.

Some of these points are about avoiding negatives and that’s what I want to focus on here.

The most important indicators for success from the Game Outcomes project are:

  1. Great game development teams have a clear, shared vision of the game design and the development plan and an infectious enthusiasm for that vision.
  2. Great game development teams carefully manage the risks to the design vision and the development plan.
  3. Members of great game development teams buy into the decisions that are made.
  4. Great game development teams avoid crunch (overtime).
  5. Great gamedev teams build an environment where it’s safe to take a risk and stick your neck out to say what needs to be said.
  6. Great gamedev teams do everything they can to minimize turnover and avoid changing the team composition except for growing it when needed. This includes avoiding disruptive re-organizations as much as possible.
  7. Great gamedev teams resolve interpersonal conflicts swiftly and professionally.
  8. Great gamedev teams have a clearly-defined mission statement and/or set of values, which they genuinely buy into and believe in. This matters FAR more than you might think.
  9. Great gamedev teams keep the feedback loop going strong. No one should go too long without receiving feedback on their work.
  10. Great gamedev teams celebrate novel ideas, even if they don’t achieve their intended result. All team members need the freedom to fail, especially creative ones.

Confounding factors

Overtime and crunch

Deadlines are good, to a point. It helps focus. With a clear goal and a timebox it’s much easier to discard sandbags and maintain motivation. Many personal productivity schemes rely on setting yourself deadlines.

When those deadlines are too restrictive however the product will suffer. Teams will work late and produce lower quality work. They will cut corners. If time is fixed then either scope or quality or both need to be cut.

Unplanned or persistent overtime is a critical bug and needs to be prioritized as such. There’s no such thing as completely bug-free, but you should always be aiming for zero.

Mono-cultures and silos

Cross-functional teams make better decisions faster. That’s a lesson I learned the hard way. The consumer of the API should sit in the same room as the producer. Even better, at the same desk, or in the same chair.

It’s not just technology silos that cause problems. If your team is a straight cis able-bodied English-speaking white male silo, or functionally equivalent to one, then it will fail at every interface with someone outside that group. Widening your team doesn’t stop those failures, but if you manage the team properly, the failures are fixed within the team (with the goal of fixing them before the code is written) rather than experienced by consumers.

Diverse teams are also more creative.

Inter-personal conflict

Teams don’t shy away from conflict. Open discussion, even a heated one, clears the air rather than letting micro-vexations and micro-aggressions become the norm and harm the team, one papercut at a time.

Successful teams solve disagreements in the open. People first, then process after, to remind everyone of decisions made.

Punishment driven development

Feedback is great. Tracking progress is useful. But please be sure you are tracking the right thing.

I can’t say this any better than Louise Elliot, who talks about all the ways measuring the wrong thing can seriously affect a team. Video is below, but you can also listen to her talking about Punishment Driven Development on the .Net Rocks podcast, if that’s more your style.

Are you unsuccessful?

What dysfunctions have you seen in your teams now or in the past? How have you fixed them, or how will you?

development google leadership

Successful teams

Successful teams deliver successful projects. As a lead, how do you build a successful team?

There are many factors to build a successful team, but the foundation of them all is safety. Can problems be discussed openly? Does everyone trust everyone else? And once you have that, the team can build. Build diversity, build towards a common goal, and build something that matters.

Successful Google team

Google defines successful teams according to its research at

Psychological safety: Can we take risks on this team without feeling insecure or embarrassed?
Dependability: Can we count on each other to do high quality work on time?
Structure & clarity: Are goals, roles, and execution plans on our team clear?
Meaning of work: Are we working on something that is personally important for each of us?
Impact of work: Do we fundamentally believe that the work we’re doing matters?

I accept, given multiple ongoing accusations against them about defending toxic managers and culture, that Google may not be living these values. However, these are clear statements that are supported by other studies such as The Game Outcomes project.

Penguins at Edinburgh Zoo

So how do we build a team like that?

Number one thing, and the only way I’ve found success, is to empower the team and everyone within it to make changes. Without that ownership, nothing matters.

Once you have that, you as the leader have to own the rest. Delegate where you need to, but own your team’s safety, support, direction, purpose and motivation.


Are you free to take risks and try something new?

Not everything you do will be a success, so do you celebrate knowledge and learning as a goal? Yes, that cost us time and money, but we learned not to do that again

Are team members supported? When someone mansplains your tech lead, do you correct them, and ensure her voice is heard? When a deaf developer joins the team, do you ask whether they prefer lip reading or sign, and help the team adapt appropriately? Do you recognise colour? Do you use preferred pronouns?

When mistakes are made, do you find someone to blame or do you all accept responsibility to address it? If the production database can be deleted by the graduate on their first day, and there are no backups, that is never their fault.

Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace

High Quality

Do you always have an high standard?

Everyone has their code reviewed, especially the lead. Is every line of code, and every process open to review and improvement? Great that you’re agile, but if you really value people over process, write the process down, and follow it. It doesn’t mean no process, it means that process serves the people, not the other way around. It means you change it when it no longer supports the people or the product.

What are your quality standards for code, for user experience, for security, and most importantly for behaviour? How are they enforced? And are they always enforced on time, every time?

Have policies. Do not have a daily fight over tabs vs spaces.


Ask everyone on your team what the team is building. If you get more than one answer, that’s a bug.

Ask everyone which part everyone else on the team plays towards that. Does that match how they see their role? Are there any gaps in responsibility?

Ask everyone what their priority is and why. Is anyone blocked? Ask them what their next priority is and if they have everything they need to fulfil it. If not, do they know where to get it?


Is everyone bringing their whole self to work? Do office politics make them wary? Are they in a marginalized group and they have to bring representation as well as talent, and they are having to do both jobs at once?

At the office, is this the number one thing for them to be doing? Are your developers feeling stuck in support or BA? Are they frustrated that they aren’t allowed to refactor a gnarly piece of code that’s very open to be improved because “it works, don’t touch it”.

Does everyone on the team feel empowered to speak up and to fix things where they interfere with the goal of the team?


Ask everyone why the team is building what they’re building, and why their part is important.

How will this change the user’s day? How will it affect the company? What’s the net improvement?

The Game Outcomes formulation

If you don’t like the Google formulation, try the game outcomes one. There’s plenty that applies to non-game projects. There’s a few negatives to avoid, and I’ll revisit them in a later post.

The most important indicators for success from the Game Outcomes project are:

  1. Great game development teams have a clear, shared vision of the game design and the development plan and an infectious enthusiasm for that vision.
  2. Great game development teams carefully manage the risks to the design vision and the development plan.
  3. Members of great game development teams buy into the decisions that are made.
  4. Great game development teams avoid crunch (overtime).
  5. Great gamedev teams build an environment where it’s safe to take a risk and stick your neck out to say what needs to be said.
  6. Great gamedev teams do everything they can to minimize turnover and avoid changing the team composition except for growing it when needed. This includes avoiding disruptive re-organizations as much as possible.
  7. Great gamedev teams resolve interpersonal conflicts swiftly and professionally.
  8. Great gamedev teams have a clearly-defined mission statement and/or set of values, which they genuinely buy into and believe in. This matters FAR more than you might think.
  9. Great gamedev teams keep the feedback loop going strong. No one should go too long without receiving feedback on their work.
  10. Great gamedev teams celebrate novel ideas, even if they don’t achieve their intended result. All team members need the freedom to fail, especially creative ones.

How do you keep your team on the right path?

We all want to work on successful projects, and there’s been a couple of times in my career I’ve been lucky enough to work in a team where everyone is delivering 10x. 10x developers don’t work in isolation, they work on teams where all the above needs are met, and they thrive off each other.

It’s great to have that dream team, but start by thinking about how to make your team reliably successful, and you’ll be doing better than most software teams.